CofounderOS from Make Startups

1. Overview

Welcome to CofounderOS

Thank you for choosing Make Startups CofounderOS to help you get your startup up and running at full speed. Starting a new business is always an adventure, and we built CofounderOS to help you enjoy the ride.

Some of these modules will also use pictures and videos to provide you with the best learning experience we can design.

Image of the Make Startups philosophy of 'Anyone, Anywhere Can Make Startups'.
Anyone, Anywhere Can Make Startups!

Image of the Make Startups philosophy of "Anyone, Anywhere Can Make Startups".

What is Make Startups?

Take a look at what we're all about.

Keep Grinding!

So now that you know a little bit about us, either keep reading, or dive in and start building YOUR business. We're here to help and can't wait to see what you will build.


An overview of CofounderOS and where everything is located.

Category CofounderOS
Curriculum all
Created 2023-11-13 00:04:48
Last Updated 2023-11-13 00:04:48
Published By: Make Startups
Make Startups
Module Resources
No assigned files for this category.
Launch with Make Startups

Make Startups is using CofounderOS to help founders design, launch, and scale their businesses.

Financial aid and scholarship packages are available for most programs.

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Frequently Asked Questions - Startups