LLC Business Registration - Georgia from CofounderOS

2. LLC Registration - Creating an Account


Before you dive in and start registering, it's helpful to start the process ready to go and get all of your documents and information prepared. Getting registered only takes about 15 minutes, but if you have to take 30 minutes looking for something that they require, the website will log you out and you'll have to start back over.

Get everything ready to go before you start!

What You Need

The list of requirements below assumes you're building a simple 1-person LLC for your startup. If you have any cofounders, you'll want to make sure you have their name, email address, and home address also prepared.

  1. Your LLC business name (ex: Something Cool, LLC)
  2. Your name and home address
  3. A mailing address for the physical business (Make Startups student's can get a mailing address in the Georgia Cyber Center!)
  4. Names and Addresses of any other people that you want to include on your LLC registration
  5. A credit card to pay the registration fee

Start the Online Registration

The Georgia Secretary of State website has an excellent guide to setting up your LLC, but it is a very detailed overview of all the different types of businesses you can create in Georgia. If you have a more complicated business entity or want to file your registration by sending in a physical form, please follow the directions that they've provided.


To get started with your online registration, head to the Georgia Corporations Division website at

From there, you'll either need to sign in to your existing account, or (most likely) create a new account. Click on the large button labeled ONLINE SERVICES to go to the login page.

Create Your Account

Clicking the "Create A User Account" button will take you to a simple form where you'll need to provide your name, address, email address, and other contact information so that the state of Georgia can send you information.

The second page of that form will ask you for a username and password. It's important that you put this login information in a safe place, because you will need to use this website at least once a year to update your LLC registration.

Next Steps

Now that you have an account to the Georgia website, you're ready to get started! In the next lesson, we'll walk you through the registration form and help you fill out the form so that you can submit your registration to the Secretary of State.

LLC Registration - Creating an Account

This is the first step in the business registration process. It's a very cheap process by default and only requires $100 to file your business registration, but it takes seven (7) days before that business registration is complete. In Georgia, the Secretary of State has a few faster options if you want to get this done quickly, but those options have a higher cost.

Category LLC Business Registration - Georgia
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Created 2024-01-30 18:21:04
Last Updated 2024-01-30 18:21:04
LLC Business Registration - Georgia
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LLC Registration - Getting Started